Wednesday 10 November 2010


I really like things. Don't get me wrong I know what is most important in the world but when everything is settled and what's most important is safe, then the love for possessions reigns. And why shouldn't it? Sometimes you can be out and see something that just jumps at you where something about its design, its look or its feel in general is shiny and you are a magpie. For me sometimes it really isn't things that are expensive or specifically desired for other fashionable reasons. For example, I love to collect broken suspensions you find at the side of the road (Someone else has probably found my broken suspensions over the west of Scotland as I seem to go through them nearl every year). I like to rescue things people have lost outside and pick up stuff lying on the ground. Some people find this disgusting, some find it beneath them, some find it trashy; but if there is something someone has dropped and will not return for, that could be rehomed and reused then why not? When a neighbour throws out things and there is something of use I'll take it. When I'm walking along and I see a dropped phone sock I'll pick it up. Maybe I'm scum to you now but a wee whirl in the washing machine and it's as good as new.
Aside from this yes I do like to buy things too. I enjoy shopping. I like shopping for things for the house, changing the colour scheme or adding some new items that make your house feel fresh and revived. I like to shop for clothes, little dresses that make you look like a medieval backsmith and fingerless gloves of all different coloured stripes. I like to go to shops that are too expensive to buy a lot of things in and get one special item, like hoody dresses from American Apparel or my yellow coat from that shop Joy on Queen street which closed down too quickly. I love to buy presents. For most people the idea of christmas shopping seems to elicit either waves of stress or the groans associated with children dragged out to the supermarket. I love buying things for other people. Getting something I think they will like based on something they previously said or something I have tried and love and then wrapping it perfectly to see them open it and hopefully really like it. That's how I can support my case for the atheist christmas; reciprocal giving.
With that said then all I leave is a few pictures of some of the lovely new possessions I have after my recent birthday, thank you materialists.

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